
Our Mission
Help other families and educators take the leap to explore our world by becoming international travelers so they can bring that experience back into their classrooms and life.
Our Values
We sincerely care about making the world a better place through the power of international travel and education which will foster mutual understanding and in turn help promote global peace.
Life is a journey, not a destination. It is an adventure to experience every day of our lives. True, some days are more exciting than others, but each day has the potential to carry us away on new exploits, meet unique people, or see old places afresh. We all have the ability to turn drab, monotonous times into days filled with excitement, wonder, and astonishment, if we summon the courage to make the change. You need to tightly embrace the life of your dreams because if you do not, it will remain elusive and quietly slip past.
With this mindset, I convinced my wife to take our small family on an epic adventure. She, our two young boys, our faithful dog, and I packed our bags and moved half-way around the world. Over the course of a few years, we lived in England, Germany, and Costa Rica and traveled to many other countries. We had no idea what we were doing and did not speak a second language after English. Consequently, we made more than a few mistakes and wound up in some awkward situations.
Through it all, we learned some invaluable lessons about living, family, relationships, and multiculturalism that has forever changed our lives and worldview. What was supposed to be just a relatively simple diversion from the doldrums of modern life turned into an unexpected adventure. We found new life-long friends, learned much history, discovered new and exciting places, were taught lessons on humility and world-citizenship, and above all, bonded as a family. Reflecting, sometimes they were humorous and sometimes were thought provoking, but always they were rewarding. Hopefully, readers will be inspired to go on their own adventures.